Have Questions?
Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions. If you don’t see the answer to your question here, please contact us by phone or contact form.
Usually same day. Call to set up an appointment.
Because it is simple and hassle free. We come to you. We complete all the necessary paperwork and we pay more than the traditional auto dealer.
Yes, you can sell your wrecked or damaged vehicle to us, and if it doesn’t run, that’s fine we will still buy it.
No, in most cases. Call for vehicle specific information.
Try not to cancel insurance until your vehicle is sold. Once your vehicle is sold call your local tag office and cancel your vehicle registration. GaCarbuyers.com gives you a receipt as proof of sale.
It’s hard to give you an exact quote for your vehicle without seeing it but at GaCarbuyers.com we offer you a bottom-line guarantee and a price range. This means even if your vehicle is in worst shape than pictured over the phone, as long as it is a complete vehicle (including required paperwork), we will still pay the bottom-line guaranteed offer. Once our agent comes out to inspect the vehicle then we can let you know if possible and how much more we can pay over the bottom-line guaranteed offer.
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Location :
3343 Peachtree Rd NE
Ste 145
Atlanta Ga 30326
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